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Hikes and trips to Carpathian and Crimean mountains, Caucasus, mountain ski, photography - Personal site of Vlad Morozov

Main pageHikes & Trips Stories :: Ukraine, Russia, Western EuropePhotos of beautiful places in Ukraine, travels' photoLinks for skiers, travelers, photographers and about mountains Useful
contact information (Ukraine, Europe)





Krasia Mountain, Ukrainian CarpathianElbrus Mountain, Caucasus, RussiaCrimea mountains, UkraineTravel to Europe - NL-BE-FRNorth Italy

to be continued...

Krasiya Mountain

Kostrino, Zakarpats'ka oblast (Uzhgorod), Ukraine


Beautiful place in Carpathian mountains near Slovakia border. Wonderful place for ski. (...more)


Krasia, Carpathian Mountains, Ukraine


Elbrus Mountain

Caucasus, Terskol, KBO, Russia


The best alternative to Shamonix :)) Mountain ski from the height up to 5.000m - normally from 3.800m down to 2.350m (... some photos, story will follows)


Elbrus Mountain, Caucasus, Russia


Crimean Mountains, Crimea peninsula, South Ukraine

Chatyr-Dag, Dimerji, Djurla and Djur-Djur waterfall


Story and pictures about our hike across Crimean Mountains in 2004

...(pictures, story will follows) 

Crimean Mountains, Ukraine


Trip to Europe

Netherlands, Belgium, France


Pictures and story about my trip across Europe - Netherlands, Belgium, France in 2001.

... (coming soon).

Trip to Europe - Netherlands, Belgium, France



Northen Italy (Milano, Parma)


Some pictures from my business trip to Italy/ All I could shot because of tight working schedule ;((

... (soon)

Bye, Italy... see you later







Vlad Morozov's personal site

© Vladyslav Morozov 2005



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